
Any suggestions in buying an lcd flat panel tv for bedroom?

i have narrowed it down to these 3:




the tv will be use for viewing dvd's, use for ps3 and use as an external display for a macbook

my budget is $400-600

i like the philips but it is only 23" while i have not heard of sova and digimate and i dont know if i can trust them but they have good reviews though..any suggestions? help!

I like the middle one. These days, the resolution on that 32 inch LCD is incredible. Going for the smaller ones you are really sacrificing some serious size limitations. If your budget is up to $600, that would be my choice.

You can also use a coupon from http://www.24houredeals.com/buy-coupons-30-mer.html That $15 off $200 electronics coupon should work for that TV.

Good luck.

I will be honest with you when you go to wal mart you get junk save your money and go get the new Samsung 1080p lcd becasue i have all the new consols and i got that tv just for the 1080p they come in a 40" and a 46"... Well i paid just about 3000 cdn for this tv and thats with my discount because i work for a place where all the do is home theatre.. but its well worth the money..

Personally, I would not go lower than 32inches. 27 and 23 are way to small. Prices will continue to go lower and for another 200 bucks you could move into the 37 lcd or 42 inch plasma range. As for the non-brand names, generally they have full one year warranties, which should cover you. (if nothing goes wrong in the first few months, you are probably good).


Movie watcher and XBOX live guy here. What is better, an LCD flat screen or a rear projection LCD?

I am an avid online gamer. I have found that LCD TVs are the best for gamers. What is the best choice, an LCD flat panel or a rear projection LCD? I only ask because I can get a bigger rear projection for less which concerns me about the quality of the screen display. Please help and tell me which is better quality if you can. Thank you for your time.

Well LCD projection units can actually BURN just like plasmas can....

And worse yet....I ACTUALLY saw ONE LCD panel TV set with a BURN-LIKE image stuck on it.....

And here I thought they were Burn-Proof....

So my thinking is....DLP is the ONLY technology that I have NOT SEEN BURNS or STUCK PIXELS on.....

So....do you switch to the DLP which has a better Track Record of Non -Stuck Pixels? And since it doesn't have LCD Lag or Refresh problems, it sure makes sense to look at that technology.....

But if I HAD to choose...I'd go with the LCD panel because it's TOUGHER to damage with non-moving images than the LCD Projector....

You have to RATE them in Good / Better / Best categories....

A flatscreen is better than any rear projection tv.

I think the rear projection tvs are highly over-rated and that is why, in my opinion, rear projection screens are cheaper.

Read Projection LCD.

An LCD flat screen is better, because it will will give you a better definition since it is brighter. The rear projection ones only look good if you're in front of them. Light or the angle you look at it from can make it look really bad. A flat screen will also take less space will last longer too. It is better to pay more for better quality, that says it all.

definitely lcd flat screen. it has a better picture quality. i used to own all floor model rear projection tv's (42" sony, 46" sony and a 57" sony). we've since upgraded to 42" philips plasma, 46" westinghouse lcd and 52" sharp aquos. we love em all and will never go back to rear projection.

my husband plays ps3 on the westinghouse and loves it! sony makes westinghouse. i play the wii and xbox 360 on the sharp and my son and i have a blast!

we got our philips from sears, but the protection plan was half he price of the tv. we got the sharp and westinghouse from hsn because they were reasonably priced and the protection plan was affordable.

vizio's from sam's club are great and the protection plans are affordable. don't get a tv at wal-mart. they have electronic issues. i've returned 2 desktops, 1 laptop and 1 tv there. their customer service sucks at all levels.

hope i helped and happy shopping.

see site below for issues u may run into with rear proj tv's

the quality is way better on an lcd flat panel the rear, projection has a very crappy image


Whats better a Sony LCD flat panel 40" 1080i or a 1080p?

Whats is the best high definiton TV that I can get as in 1080i or 1080p from sony. I know I seen one on display at the sears and it had a shrek movie playing and it was so defined that you cab see the pores in shreks face, but I forgot to see which one was it 1080i or p

If you're doing 42" or bigger than 1080p has some advantages in terms of the quality. If you're going smaller, then the 1080p doesn't come into play a lot unless you want to sit with your nose next to the screen. If you're paying hundreds extra for the P on a small TV you're wasting money. But if the model you really like (for other reasons) has P, then go ahead, it definitely won't hurt any.

The one comment about broadcasters is not longer true. One of the Satellite companies (I can't recall which one though) is now offering 1080P channels. This is really new though. Previously it was all 720P and 1080i from broadcasters and only BD had 1080P. But things are changing right now (not 10 years from now). Again, it won't be a huge deal if you're going with a small set.

I also second the comment about Plasma and Panasonic Plasma to boot. Panasonic Viera Plasma gives you awesome picture at a reasonable price. But Samsung ones rate very well too (and I think can be a bit cheaper from places like Wal-Mart).

If you just saw this TV it was probably a 1080p While some out there are still offering the 1080i at reduced prices to move OLD STOCK. The TVbroadcasters in thins country only transmit in 1080i currently as the best picture quality.The TV's on sale in most stores are already equipped with 1080p this is good for blu-ray which is what 1080p is the difference between i (interlaced) and p (progressive) is the refresh rate basically(i) refreshes every other row and column 30 times a second

(p) refreshes every row and column 60 times a second without going into more technical explanations on other issues this is all you have to know. Like I tell everyone make sure you have at least two HDMI ports on the back of the TV minimum as well as two of every other connection unless you just plan a basic install for the next five years or so. Usually a bed room doesn't need lots of other connections depending on you gamers.

Well that would be 1080p.

All LCD panels are either 720p or 1080p There has never been a 1080i LCD panel. If the set displays 1080i, it is a CRT set. If that is the case, there is no question that the 1080p LCD panel is better.

1080p is the best resolution you can get. Sony is also a great brand for LCD TV's. (get LCD over Plasma)

The difference between 1080i and 1080p is not dramatic enough for you to change your purchase intentions.

lcds suck listen to me this is for your own good go with plasma its tested and proven to be a better technology

panasonic preferrably...

and 1080p is the best resoultion


Which FLAT PANEL LCD monitor should i buy among these 2.?

20.1'' Samsung SyncMaster Monitorâ„¢ (204B) $299 after $50 rebate.

20.1” UXGA display 1600 x 1200 resolution 5 ms response time.

photo>>> http://www.circuitcity.com/IMAGE/product/enlarged/sam/EC.SAM.204B.JPG

Westinghouse 20.1" Flat-Panel LCD Monitor Model: LCM-20V5

1400 x 1050 maximum resolution price $ 299 no rebate.

8 ms response time

PHOTO>> http://images.bestbuy.com/BestBuy_US/images/products/7638/7638238_ra.jpg

which one of this will be good and last for long? what you think about viewsonic LCD monitors?

Thats a no brainer,Samsung all the way rebate or no rebate.Viewsonic is better than westinghouse

i would not get either one, the picture quality is poor on lcd's and the refresh rate is slow as well, if you watch videos or play openGL games, you will be disappointed.

I would go with the Samsung, it has a better response time and a better contrast ratio. Both should be dependable, but in my opinion the Samsung is better.

Go with the Samsung. The high resolution and fast response time will really help out a lot.

I would get the Viewsonic myself.

I've had nothing but good experiences with them.


Why are the terms "progressive" and "interlaced" still used with LCD/plasma flat panels?

If flat panel LCD/plasmas don't use interlaced or progressive scanning techniques, but rather display an entire field at once, why are the terms interlaced and progressive still used when referring to their resolution? Is it more referring to the type of signal being input, rather than the way the panel is displaying the image?

Flat panel displays (both LCD and Plasma) are progressive displays by deffinition. They display the entire frame of an image and refresh it a some given rate.

The terms interlaced and progressive are often used to designate a type of signal being sent to the TV, such as 1080i, 1080p, 720p, or many others. An 1080i signal means you get half the image at one instant and the other half at the next often refreshed at 60hz. 1080p signal means you will get a whole image refreshed at 30hz.

Now to put it all together. If your TV has a resolution of 1080p, then when it recieves a 1080p signal it has to do little to no processing on it to get it to display. But when it gets a 1080i signal it must de-interlace it, effectively changing the 1080i60 signal into a 1080p30 signal, because flat panel TV's are progressive.

That refers to the type of signal they accept as input. If a set uses a 1080p or 720p display, it will accept 1080i and 480i (interlaced formats) as input and convert them to 1080p for display. However, many 1080p sets will not accept 1080p signals as input (now available from some high-def DVD players and game consoles through HDMI connection).


Is it possible to connect a 15 inch lcd monitor and a flat panel lcd tv to a computer?

What type of video card do i need to be able to do this? I want to be able to switch between the two displays from the computer.

Yes, as long as the monitor/tv has VGA inputs.

visit this link



It is completely possible to do. It is easier if you have dual video output from your video card...ie. svga and s-video, you would connect the monitor to the traditional svga port and the tv to the s-video port, otherwise there are several adapters you can purchase to split the video signal.

You need an ATI All in Wonder type card. This card allows you to view two different monitors with the same computer, and you can switch any item you like between them. Plus it has lots of programs for recording, editing, and lots more. You can check out this website and learn some more about it.


if youwant to make both the lcd and the flattv a secondry screen beside your primary pc screen then you'll need some sort of switcher to do that it's something like a hub thattakes the input from your displaycard then distribute it to both screens.

but without it you won't be able to connect 3 diveces to your display card cuz as i know the maximum number of devices u can connect is only 2. and almost all kinds of 128 mb cards and above can give 2 output devices.i use nvidea fx 5200 128mb to operate 2 monitors


Why won't my LCD flat panel monitor work when I plug it to my laptop?

I bought an LCD flat panel monitor from Ebay. When I connected it to the back of my laptop, the monitor didn't display anything. What's going on? Do I have to install some software for it first?

no se senior.

yes install it as a new hardware and if still doesn't work then it is atached to a laptop then make sure that wire is correctly plugged in and try to pull it out and then after 30 seconds plug it again. These might appear silly but they do work. Go to control pannel and click on add new hardware it will lead you to the monitor.Sometimes also there are hardwares that come with CD's try to find one if you got it or otherwise it will be fine.

is your computer the same make as the screen if not u should have to install something

Look at F1 to F12, you will see a symbol of a monitor (or CRT/ LCD).Then hit and hold " Fn" key then you hit the key that has monitor (or CRT/LCD) symbol.Note it will cycle to your laptop monitor to LCD panel, or both screen.

Er, I take it that you did try switching the external VDU port on the laptop on, with Fn+CRT keys?

A new monitor should be detected by Windows as new hardware. It would first be set as default. Later you can change the settings: like resolution and colors.

Now, when you buy something from Ebay, what's the warranty that it works?

Your computer has to be able to support dual monitors first. Windows XP supports it but you need hardware. Check this url for more info:



Do LCD flat panels displays require a screen saver like CRTs moniters?

Do LCD flat panels screen burn?

No they do not require a screen saver.


No. The do not burn-in.

You see LCD technology does not itself emit light, and the back-light is not strong enough to etch the glass over time.....

Plasma monitor/TV's can burn-in though.

PS: screen burn-in would never be called 'dead pixels'

lcd panels are highly unlikely to get screen burn... the technology isn't like plasma that gets screen burn...

I would advise you to even if it is just to save power!


Aren't flat-panel displays better than LCD displays?

Generally flat CRT displays have better color quality than LCD displays. If you are a graphic designer, per se, and have budget limits, I would suggest CRT flat display. But if you don't have limitation on the budget, it's a good idea to use a good quality LCD. Since, LCD would have much less danger for the eyes.

If the color quality is not very important to you, I think LCD is better anyway, because it's more portable and less dangerous.

LCD is a flast panel display. I think maybe you are asking if plasma or LCD is better - in that case LCD is better - plasma will burn the screen after a while. Or - maybe I'm completely wrong.... but since I work in manufacturing..........

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is just a variation or type of the general term 'flat-panel'. Such as a plasma display. They are both flat-panels, but different technologies.


When buying a LCD flat panel monitor what should I look for before buying one? Is a TFT display good?

Plus I need one that works well for computer games. Preferably a 17" LCD monitor is good. How good should the refresh rate be?

How much should I be willing to spend? Should I buy it online?


This should help you out



Why can't my flat panel monitor display thisvideo mode?

I just got a new lcd flat panel monitor but when I plug it in and turn it on it says it cannot display this video mode. How can I fix this? It is a Dell Ultrasharp if that matters. Thanks in advance.

plug in your old monitor, change the resolution to 800x600 then go back to the ultra sharp and see if that works? maybe change the refresh rate too just in case, make it 60GHz


my gateway lcd screen does that too( i got it for free), change it to 1024x768 and 60 hertz, it should work


What display type is the Insignia® 32" Flat-Panel LCD HDTV?

The Xbox 360 is compatible with any HTDV besides 1080p display types, does anyone know the display type of the Insignia® 32" Flat-Panel LCD HDTV?

Product Details

TV Type LCD flat panel

Aspect Ratio 16:9

Display Type Flat-panel LCD


Do You know of a less expensive, high quality flat panel LCD monitor to complement an Apple 23" Display?

I would like to add a monitor to my current system which includes an Apple 23' Cinema Display. I could get another Cinema Display, but would like to save some $$$ and possibly get a monitor that has HDMI and component inputs. The min size would be 24' @ 1920x1200.

I'm looking for something with excellent picure quality as I work with graphics and video. A 2 to 3 year warranty would be great too.

Any of top 3 rated 24" LCD monitors on this page should work (see below)

$369 - $689

All are 1920 x 1200 and have HDMI inputs


For all sizes with a HDMI input

18, 22, 24, 28, 26, 32, 40, 46,




Truth is that any monitor will work on a mac, as long as you get the right adapters. i use apple monitors on windows too. you just need to know what connector is on the new monitor, and what is on your mac. there are four choices, db-15, vga, adc, and dvi. and there are all kinds of adaptors to get you from one to the other. i have dvi to vga and vga to db-15 to use my old applevision on my mac and windows pc.



Macs can use any monitor, it just depends on what video card you have installed. There should be a VGA port on the back of the G4. I don't think Apple included DVI until the G5's. Some G5's and G4's will have a long oval shaped connector, this is called ADC (Apple Desktop Connector) and can only be used with an Apple Display. However, VGA (found on most PC's) and DVI (rectangular) come on Macs and can be used with any VGA or DVI compatible monitor.


How important is a AC Power Filter / Surge Protector for LCD Flat Panel Displays?

I bought a 26" LCD at futureshop, and the sales associate told me I should buy a power bar that has a clean filter and surge protector because it'll protect my tv and improve picture quality. Is this really necessary (it cost 120$ plus tax CDN) ... Should I return it and get a regular power bar for 5 bux and then just invest in better hi-def cables?

1. You have to not only protect your AC line but also any RF line (cable, sat line or antenna) that comes into the set or into an STB that feeds the set.

2. Check your homeowners insurance to see if you're covered against lightning or surges. That may help you make a decision about how much protection you want to buy.

3. Not all surge protectors are the same. If you look at the specs on the box, you'll see how many joules it will protect against. The higher the joules, the better the protection. The $120 unit may be more than you need, and being pushed as part of a TV sale, I wouldn't be surprised if it's overpriced for what you got.

4. If I knew that I had good insurance coverage, I'd buy a relatively inexpensive unit (not $5) just to avoid the inconvenience of being without a TV.


You don't need $120 worth of protection...

Get a $30 unit that protects your TV with an insurance policy...

A surge supressor LIMITS DAMAGE to your TV set....it does not STOP IT....

It reduces the cost of repair....

The power supply inside your TV set stops EMI AND RFI noise from getting into the TV circuitry.....so you don't need the Filtering either....

a surge protector is important for all electronics as far as the filter goes you wont even be able to tell the difference on an lcd tv


I Have An LCD TFT Flat Panel Display, When I Apply Slight Pressure Why Does The Screen In That Area Change?

I know there's nothing wrong with my computer, all I wanted to know is WHY it does it.

L C D : Liquid Crystal Display.

Pressure alters the light passage properties of the crystals in the liquid.

dear child its so called is lcd, before buy you should be aware of these things , all lcd , even the calculator screen when u press it ghanges the colour of that part. isn't it. comon tell me how you got your lcd , iam sure that your father has given you which is a gift for him,, even he has not bouthered to search in market.


How to remove scratch from flat panel LCD display monitor?

I was moving to new job, so I shipped my PC (by the way in the original package) to new location when I opened it my monitor had a scratch. It’s only about 3mm, but it's there. Is there any way I can make it less visible

no. but dont use household solvents like windex on the LCD panel.

there isnt much you can do.

If anything i'd try and use a soft cloth to keep the dust out of it. but thats a long shot.

really you cannot remove the scratch but you can try this. there are stuff avilable to remove (ie hide ) straches on cd s . youcan try but read the instructions carfully before use . this might help

It's not possible

you cant

No, don't try the CD scratch remover..those solvents will make your screen worse. Every LCD panel has a coating or a film on top of the actual glass, this is what's scratched. It can't be repaired on a PC screen. It can, however, be fixed on a laptop screen because the LCD screen in a laptop are much easier to remove and replace.

Sorry, but all you can do is buy a new one. I would sugguest buying an LCD screen cleaner to clean the screen to make sure the 'scratch' isn't just a big smudge. If you can feel the scratch with your finger nail, then you're out of luck.

If you suspect it may not be a scratch http://www.pixelclean.com is a terrific product. Good luck.

don't think there's any solution to it

No, not much you can do, sorry.


Which LCD/flat panel display type is better, glossy or anti-glare?

Which LCD/flat panel display type do you prefer, glossy or anti-glare, and why?

glossy i dont like my anti glare

AntiGlare! Because.


Why? Because,

i own a lcd ani-glare flat. it is better than the glossy because you dont have the glare, but the down side is that every now and the the tv had to cut off to keep it from overheating if you have had it on for a long time.


The stand to my GATEWAY 900G 19" FLAT PANEL LCD DISPLAY stand broke and I am trying to find a replacement?

I no longer have a warranty and I don't want go out and buy a new monitor just for the stand. It snapped in half when I was tilting the monitor. Can anyone think of some alternative replacement stand or can you recommend something? Thank you.